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zmhk 2024-06-16 人已围观

简介穆怎么读_穆怎么读音       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“穆怎么读”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太了解,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一看看吧。1.“穆”字怎么读?“穆”字怎么读?     











       <名>a surname;

       以下结果由 金山词霸 提供

       <形>1.(恭敬) reverent; respectful:solemn;肃穆solemn and quiet静穆

       <名>1.(姓氏) a surname:Mu Guiying



       Where's this mozart?


       And how many aboard, mr. murdoch?


       Mohawk, scar on his face?


       Mu said government goals for reconstruction have been basically met.

       我每到晚上振发性胸闷气短伴有旋转性头晕和轻度恶心胸疼浑身穆乱小腿明显,心率过缓,何病?I am aroused the chest when the evening to pant stuffily am accompanied by the revolving dizziness and the mild wicked heart hurt the whole body solemn chaotic calf to be obvious, heart rate excessively slow, what sickness?

       拉穆,你现在将用你的金色光漩涡指导帮助这些灵魂?Ra mu, will you now assist these souls with your guidance of the golden vortex of light?

       穆:咳,我说老杨,有个办法,把你闺女喜儿顶债怎么样?Mu: yang! I have a good idea. How about your daughter?

       穆的孙女活下来了,但是一年后仍在就医。Mu's granddaughter survived, but she is still hospitalized a year later.

       位于岛中部的鸟穆是绘画中心,博物馆内保存着许多历史文物和巨幅绘画。Bird island in the central part of the painting is mu centres, museums, preservation of historical relics and many huge painting.


       Taliban spokesman mu zhaxi in 16 email to reporters, said: "today, when afghan and foreign soldiers in the meeting, he ( the attackers) would seize the opportunity to start attacks."

       没有向记者透露名字的穆**近几个月来陆续买了一部iphone,一台联想(lenovo)笔记本电脑和多款迪奥化妆品。In recent months ms. mu, who didn't give her first name, has splurged on an iphone, a lenovo laptop and dior cosmetics.

       在鸟穆附近,有一座呈方形的千年古洞象洞,洞深只有三米,洞内雕有栩栩如生的神像。Mu birds in the vicinity, there was a square of the millennium kwu tung--as holes, only two-deep, three meters, inside a lifelike carving statues.

       热爱2穆社区和道歉的是安静,最近,责任一直在呼吁寿. Lotsa love out 2 the mu community& apologies for being quiet as of late, duty has been calling tho.

       穆出生在中国西藏,他在高原修炼提升自己的能力。Mu was born in tibet, china. Heimproved his power in the pamirs.

       叙利亚裁判巴斯玛-穆罕辛比赛中多次明显的有利于卡塔尔队的误判让中国队非常愤怒。Syrian referee basi ma-mu hanxin competition in several significant benefit qatar's misjudgment of the chinese team very angry.

       原来邹国虽然“仓廪实,府库充”,是穆公德政所致,但这项德政并没能适时解救民困。Zou states, while the original "real storehouses, storehouses full," is the political result of mu gongde [ due], but this benevolent act did not timely relief for the












       [mù hǎn mò dé]



       全名:阿布·阿尔卡西姆·穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒·穆台列卜·本·哈希姆 Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim?:受到善良人们高度赞扬的真主的使者和先知。

